Monday, October 18, 2010

E Café Sursok

Being used to the E Café in Jbeil, I thought that the new restaurant from Roger Edde, in Sursok, would be mixing together good grilled cuisine with a typical Sursok green garden villa for a charming and cozy dinner out in Beirut. Unfortunatly, we don’t think the same.

In a Word:
A Disaster


The restaurant is located on the end of Sursok Street in a tiny place down a building, not really the place that I was expected. If you don’t like giving your car to a Valet, well you don’t have a choice! To find a place near the restaurant is nearly impossible, unless you have a Smart or a bicycle / motor bike. Moreover, the restaurant is not indicated so good luck in finding the place!

Notation: 3/10


As described above, I expected a very warm and cozy restaurant located in the intimacy of one of the Sursok’s palaces in Beirut with “rustique” wood tables on an elegant green grass freshly mowed as well as fer forgé pergolas… You have the choice to eat outside or inside.

Inside: I was really disappointed by the cheap modern decoration of the restaurant that does not give you the push for eating! It really has this very white cold atmosphere which reminded me of these white clean hospitals morgues with a chef in the background cutting the cadavers to pieces before serving them to you in a poorly decorated dish.

Outside: The tables are really Parisian! Very small round table designed to take a coffee or an aperitif before dinner. You do not have enough space to lay your knife and fork on the table or even to display two plates on the same table.

Notation: 2/10


The people working on the audio, really try to make you feel like you’re having dinner in France but largely failed to succeed! The waiters and waitresses are unfortunately too Lebanese to look like French people but have the same sense of humor as a polish diplomat.

Notation: 3/10


Well what can I say after all… the service of the E Café Sursok is worse than the E Café in Jbeil! We should really create a Waiter’s School to teach them how to manage a conversation with clients and especially be more reactive to client’s complaints and demands.

E Café wants to be positioned into the classy restaurants of Beirut, but before they should really make an effort on their service. Imagine that the waitress, by mistake, filled my white wine glass with water without bothering herself getting me a new one! The waitress ignores completely what is served in the plate! You don’t understand nothing.

E Café is mainly a grilled meat restaurant, PLEASE instruct your waiters before serving the client. They don’t know the difference between a Medium Rare and Medium Well cooking! Shocking!

Notation: 1/10


What a torture… from the food portions to the meat tender and finally to the meat cooking! It was a real disaster! Personnaly I have ordered a beef carpaccio and a beef fillet (Twice). Why twice? Because my first fillet was served to me well done instead of medium rare…Pathetic

Please don’t serve carpaccio when you don’t even know what it is. My beef slices were as thick as my fillet! The taste of the raw meat in my mouth was not very pleasant.

Important: Please take your bread with you before entering the restaurant as it is given to you piece by piece on demand. And you have to smile to the waitress to give you the bread otherwise … forget about it! The plates are poorly presented and the portions are very small.

To Taste: The bread as it is very rare and given as a privilege, the meat but check on it every while.

To Avoid: The Magret de canard, salade de chevre chaud ( too Small), salade farfellue and the Glass of Wine! You won’t believe the quantity given to you!!

Notation: 4/10


To expensive compared to the small portions and bad service proposed.

Notation: 4/10


The chef is behind a big transparent glass in the inside eatery room, looks clean! But again nothing new!


Ca va!

Notation: 5/10

TOTAL: 3/10

Conclusion: E Café is enjoying the Jbeil E Café reputation but really don’t deserve it at all. The service is very poor, the service is obviously under experienced and the food quality is not as expected. Moreover, the location and deco of the place are not in the image of the food served in the restaurant.


  1. "...but have the same sense of humor as a polish diplomat."

    hahaha where did that expression come from ??

    Are the salads served the same way they are in Jbeil, in glass jars ?
    More importantly, are the prices the same or higher than Jbeil ?
    I'm interested to know if the difference in location is affecting the prices.

    Thank you sir ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am sorry to disappoint you but I had a totally different experience.

    The meat is exceptional and ambiance is very cozy. Of course it is not the decoration of the old souk in Byblos, tell me where can you still get 2000 years old stones? However the menu is very much the same as in Byblos with also the same prices (new items were added but as explained by the manager, it is to give a freedom of expression to every chef).

    You’re talking about not being able to park your own car; Actually, finding a place to park a car in Beirut would be really lovely, but please tell me where can you park your car in gemayze, monot, down town or even in any of the 5-star hotels in Lebanon? As long as a decent valet service is provided the rest is easy. I agree that the staff knowledge and attentiveness should be increased, but a big improvement can be noticed since the opening. Myself being a big fan of eCafe Byblos, I was one of the first customer to try the Sursock branch and I loved it.
    Also you should check the internet speed they are offering for free, it is by far one of the best.
    In short, it is one of my best places in Beirut and advise you to give it a second try and bare in mind that it is a café-restaurant after all!
    As for Roger Edde I believe he deserves our thumbs up and a great credit for placing this wonderful street back on the dining map.
